Friday, June 19, 2009

The front-end developers burden

What burden you might ask ? Well front-enders, are seen like jack of all trades. We sometimes do what the designer or the back-end developer don’t have time to do. Because, well, we are the middle guy, we can do all this, don’t we?

It’s not that I don’t like to do either of these. I have interests in both actually. I really like web design, even if I am not that good at it. I visit 3 times a week, and I always want to learn new stuff about programmation and new cool scripts. Ajaxrain and Ajaxian are great for that.

Even in our own company, some peoples don’t really understand what we do, i can’t frikking design professionally don’t ask me too, some front-end might, i don’t! I am not a designer nor a fully experienced c# or php developer. I’m glad to help, but when you put me under pressure for these things it’ s just not fun anymore.

Most of the time we also have to integrate all the website content in the CMS. Which sometimes means 50 pages+. And I can tell you that it’s not going to make us throw big smiles of fun. Being in a small company, that often happens to me.

That is our burden.

We are the masters of XHTML/CSS, PSD slicing, website architecturing, HTML semantic, Javascript and CMS. We know what’s possible and what’s not from the start as term of design and features. We are the masters of debugging every browser, even internet explorer 6…

But we’re sometimes designers, developers and secretaries. Just don’t expect us to code a back-end application in an afternoon or to become a traductor/writer because the content guy didn’t do is job properly.

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